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Monday, November 9, 2009

Signs of Cheating Girlfriends

It's easy to be jealous and suspect something when there isn't a reason to, however, it's just as easy to go into denial about what really is happening.

There are several signs that a girlfriend may be cheating on you. You cannot rely on just one of these signs alone, but the more signs you see and the more you suspect, the more likely it is.

If you have a girlfriend who suddenly won't show you any sort of affection, she probably feels guilty about it. As David Deangelo once said "Atraction is not a choice." Women feel attracted, and sometimes they're in a rough period of time with either you, or themselves emotionally. The more emotional they are, the more vulnerable they are to cheat. If Any of these signs are noticed during a period of time AFTER something emotional such as an arguement that went too far, or a time when your girlfriend had something happen to her, it's very possible. If your girlfriend ignores the topic or changes subject, this is deflection. Whatever you are talking about, she does not want to talk about, likely because she's hiding something.

Perhaps the biggest indication is body language. Women who really feel the need to tell you something, but are stopping themselves, make a "shushing motion" usually just leaning against their fingers. Covering of the mouth is also a sign. If women show shame, they will push the two fingers (pointer and the middle) to their thumb and look as if they're grabbing the side of their forehead. If you watch the TV show "Lie to me" you will be able to better understand body language. Otherwise, you can read books by Joe Navarro about body language. He is a former FBI agent who specialized in behavioral assessments. He uses science to study the brain and how the limbic system responds during certain emotions, which lead to certain behaviors that happen naturally.

A woman who avoids eye contact when she normally always makes eye contact is also a sign. A woman avoiding talking about herself and what she was up to, suddenly becomming more vague, or just avoiding talking altogether is likely someone who may have cheated.

Some other signs include appearance. A woman will generally dress up more often than usual if she has been cheating. This includes when she's going out as well as staying in with you. This is not so much that she wants to attract other men, and her intentions may actually be good, but after cheating on you, she will not like to look at herself in the mirror the same way, and she will pobably put on more makeup.

The signs of her cheating are always there if you are willing to accept it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mind Of Mystery | Mystery Method

So Who is mystery and what are his methods? By now you should know who mystery is , and if you don't you can read about it in previous posts. The Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method blog has more intentions then to just introduce to you things such as pick up and the artistry.

It's much more and involves the more complicated method of getting and maintaining a relationship. You have to demonstrate that you have good traits. Biologically you need to showcase that you can be a good friend and partner to be with, but more importantly a good fatherly figure and a good protector and defender. You have to be unpredictable, without being overly challenging. You have to get involved in the relationship more gradually and many other things that you will learn on this blog

The mind of mystery is interesting, but there is more about the methods so you can get behind the mystery mind at google books.

or copy and paste the address

That is a preview. Ultimately the guide requires that you understand that women have "mind's of their own mystery" so to speak. But it's really not that mysterious. The trick is, you have to understand how the mind works. Compulsive behaviour is rooted in unpredictability of an outcome. A study was dodone involving rats. The rats were shocked, and then giveen cheese. There were different groups of mice/rats. Thiss experiment showed that one group was shocked repeatedly and just stopped trying fter a couple. the 2nd group was shocked only after being given food once, theat group tried again a few times but realized that something had changed and ultimately gave up. the next group was given nothing but cheese and ultimately got borede and only would go back when hungry. the final group would attempt to seek the reward and be given a random outcome. this group continued and continued until they got shocked to death. Curiousity gets the best of us all as it turns out curiousity did not kill the feline (cat), but instead the rodent (mouse).

So this is why people fall forabusive people, why people become compulsive gamblers, and why women can't get enough of aaa guy who occasionally gives her the slightest insult.

Now if you continue to "shock" the woman too much, she will decide "somethingf's changed" and leave, so actually you should eventually progress to using less and less of this "shock" method, yet occasionally go back to it. You will stay unpredictable that way.

But whether it's David Deangelo or Erik Von Markovik, they all work the same way.
bring down the ego, then do something to do the opposite. show that you are interested, then do the opposite.
Whether it's cocky comedy and "backhanded compliments" or "negs" and displaying "higher status" the idea is the same...
So this method is very mysterious, but that is a post that should help you understand the Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mind Of Mystery | Mystery Method

It has been a few months since I started the Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method blog. It has been quite awhile since I have posted for several reasons. You'll notice that on the right hand side that I have made small updates to the blog and I continue to work on things in my own life. It is exciting for me because I am learning how to get a girlfriend in my own life, as normally I am more used to a casual approach.

If you follow mystery, there are some interesting things, he likes to use magic as a prop, and many people think that if not for his magic, he just wouldn't be mystery. But it is not trueas he has gone without using magic and still found success. He is however, still human, there was a video where he was not successful at least at first, but there are also many videos where he is. So even Erick Von Markovik can be hit and miss at times. That is of course, part of the mystery method. Sometimes you will be the one with mystery. Of couse, if mystery was to record it and go back and watch, he will be the first to tell you the mistakes he made. Sometimes you just feel like you're giving off a weird energy, and you'll make mistakes because your body language will telegraph that energy. It's best to not go out if you aren't feeling good about yourself.

If you are feeling great then you can work your magic to perfection. That is just one of the many secrets that you will find. As you have read in Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method practice being unpredictable and random, and you will find success with these methods.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Get A Girlfriend Mystery Method

Going on a date or two is pretty mandatory if you want to learn the skills of how to get a girlfriend. However, being comfortable with women can be a challenge to those who are not used to it. Therefore, your first goal should just be acquiring lots of women friends before you try to get a girlfriend. Many people try to skip this step, and it ends in some akward results. Interestingly enough, if getting an attractive woman to be your friend is your goal, some of them will actually be more interested in being your girlfriend than if your goal was to get them to be your girlfriend.

It seems counter intuitive, but it's also a little bit common sense that the woman will want what she can't have. After all, an attractive woman almost always gets what she wants anyways, and if suddenly she can't have something, she's going to use all of her powers to get what she "can't have".

Whether or not the women you befriend end up wanting to get romantically involved with you or just be your friend, being friends with multiple girls will make getting a girlfriend so much easier. I cannot tell you the dramatic difference it makes when I have entered a club with a group of girls, or even a single girl. It's as if the women have been given "proof" that you're worth pursuing. They see another woman that wants to be with you, and that makes them feel attracted.

Guys tend to think women aren't competitive. This just isn't true. They just don't compete in sports or poker as much as guys. However, they love to compete over a fun guy's interest, or even in little subtle games and tests. At the bare minimum, if you have someone's attention and you don't have time to make friends with other woman, you should at least tell them a story about another woman, but be modest and respectful about it. Perhaps you talk about a woman you hung out with, and you talk about how you hung out, and watched the stars together, or had a picnic on the beach until the sun started to go down... Then you can say... "and then we... well... nevermind". Let her fill in the details. If she wants to know more she will probably make it fairly clear to you. Refuse to tell her, then if she really wants to know let her know that you just might tell her later... if she's lucky. Or perhaps you leave information in an online profile about how you like to go on the ocasional weekend retreat with that special someone... You have to give her just a taste of some setting and what happens and leave the good stuff out so she will fill in the details. You want to gradually warm up to her, then occasionally say things that indicate you aren't interested.

Getting a girlfriend is very tricky, because the principals of attraction still apply, so the mystery method is still good to a certain extent. However, you don't want to amplify that attraction quite as much, and you also don't want to make it so you don't trigger the attraction at all. You don't want to trigger the attraction too fast too soon, and you don't want to wait too long to act when she's attracted, but you still want to leave anticipation.

In the next post, we will talk about interweiving stories and all sorts of things that will give you control over the attaction and keep her wanting more, without having to play it too laid back. To attract a woman, you need there to be an element of her wanting what she can't have... But to get a girlfriend, you need her to still want you, while still wanting more. That requires a feeling like there's still so much more that you two have planned that you haven't gotten around to yet.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to get a girlfriend Part 3

Where to meet? The average person tends to go where everyone else goes, and settles for less than the best like everyone else. Do you see the flaw in this?
It's better to go for the best when it's considered "unrealistic" than to settle for less than the best, because otherwise, if you think it's unrealistic, everyone else will to.
So be a contrarian, step outside of the box, go some place where you are least comfortable, because chances are, everyone else will feel the same way. That means that the guard will be down, and you won't seem like someone who's just for example, at the bar trying to find a girl. This not only won't work very well, but chances are you won't find someone who's the girlfriend type who's actually looking for the boyfriend type anyways.
So perhaps you head over to the bookstore, and you ask someone if they can recommend a few good books that they've read, what they liked about it, and so on. Then you can say something like "wow, you really have been a good help... You know, you seem to be an interesting person, I'd like to talk with you more some time, but I actually should be going, do you have an email address or something so I can contact you again sometime?"
There's two reasons to ask for email,
1) it's more convenient
2) It's not as intrusive
In addition, many girls are less comfortable giving their phone numbers, even though they would rather chat on the phone, but when you suggest email, you don't seem invasive, and you seem like someone who they would be comfortable talking with on the phone, so they might even suggest "how about I give you my number instead".
It's okay if they don't, just get a pen and paper and tell them to write down their email address. When they are writing it say, why don't you write your number down too just in case I can't get ahold of you through email.
You can try a similar plan in other locations. One excellent place to meet people is by going to meetup.com. That way, rather than forcing yourself to try something you don't like just because someone else finds it interesting, you can find something interesting that someone else likes as well. You can do this by finding a meetup group and you will hopefully find some interest you have and something that others share an interest in. This will give you plenty of things to talk about that get both of you feeling passionate about, and getting the right feelings associated with each other is an excellent start to what potentially could be a good relationship..

On the other hand, If you want to be interesting to others, you need to find out what types of things they find interesting. If they want someone adventurous, you need to be adventurous. It's better to find out what they actually have a history of finding interesting, vs what they tell you, however, usually people will at least tell you part of the story. So if you're talking with someone you are interested in, maybe ask her what was the last relationship she was in, and usually she'll talk about what went wrong and why they broke up. This is fine, but not what you want to focus on. So you can then ask, but what made you interested in him in the first place? More than likely she'll say something like "I don't know... I guess I thought he was...." and then say something. Some women will describe all the things they don't like about a guy, yet if she met a guy with identical traits would still find herself feeling attracted to him. Such is life, we don't always feel the emotions we want to feel. So while a woman might say "I just wish I could find a nice guy I was attracted to, she really means, I just do not find nice guys attractive, but I can't help but fall for the "bad" guy. It's not that you can't be nice if that's who you are, it's that there are certain traits that the "bad boys" have that she's attracted to. By asking questions such as "how did you two first meet, and how did you feel at the time, you can gain insights on what kind of things she feels attracted to. Of course, having an actual girlfriend is more than just being interesting, it is about a connection, and you can only make that connection if you get her in the right emotional state. Being interesting is only just the start.

Once you learn how to be interesting, and you learn how to get a girl to like you, and how to flirt, you can combine your skills getting a girl, and getting a girlfriend will be that much easier.

related posts
How to get a girlfriend part 1
How to get a girlfriend part 2

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How To Get A Girlfriend part 2

Who Else Wants to Learn How To Get A Girlfriend?

The reality is, getting a girlfriend is not easy, but it's easier then many people think. It's one of those things that can take a moment to learn, but a lifetime to master. So follow these tips and learn to master the magic formula you can use to solve the problem, and learn how to get a girlfriend.

Just because it can take a lifetime to master, doesn't mean it needs to. If you learn to mirror some of the successful people, you essentially will become them. Fake it until you make it is a real plan, and it works. Neural science actually backs up this with data. If you walk, talk, and act like someone who is a pro at something you want to learn, your speed and time it takes to learn their skills is dramatically cut down by over 75%.

So we know we have to be interesting, now it should become obvious that we need to learn to not only be what we think of interesting, but what the ladies think of interesting. We also, of course, will need to do what works, and the hard way is to go and test everything out. While that will work, and that is required, it's nice to start with what we have seen work. Mirror in gurus footsteps, and learn how to make their style work for you.

Of course, it doesn't matter how interesting you are if others are unable to see this. So in Part 3 of how to get a girlfriend, we will talk of course, about the importance of getting others, and some killer tips on where to go to meet women.

That's just a little information on how to get a girlfriend part 2, if you have not read about how to get a girlfriend part 1, then you will need to learn more about getting a girl. You can continue onto this article at
how to get a girlfriend part 3

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Get A Girlfriend pt 1

How to get a girlfriend pt 1
How to get a girlfriend - If you're like most guys, you're probably wondering how to get a girlfriend?
It actually can be easier then you are making it.

First you need to find a girl that is interested in you. And to do this, you must first be interesting.
If you are not interesting, you need to learn how to be interesting. Join a toastmasters club and practice speaking in front of people, listen to great story tellers.
Listen to magicians who often times are very good at telling stories. Learn to be interesting, and women will be interested. It's not rocket science.

If you are interesting, you need to meet lots of girls. You can start by going to different places. Try libraries, book stores, rock concerts, after school activities, try joining a meet up group at meetup.com and finding a woman who has a common interest by looking for groups that you are interested in.

Try to be interested in lots of things. Try to become a "yes" man. Say yes to a lot more of things, and you will find something you like. The more things you try out the better, as you can gain more insight into what other people like and why.

Some places will be better than others for different people. Learn to be a little bit picky, but never overly picky. If you learn to try new things, but be selective, but still regularly try new opportunities, you will find yourself doing just fine.

The more things you try, the more you will naturally have to talk about, and the more interesting you will seem. Use this very simple tip, and you will be interesting. It's just a start on how to get a girlfriend.

Continue on to more information if you want to get relationship tips on how to get a girl, and you can learn how to get a girlfriend part two

Still, there is more to be learned, at how to get a girlfriend part 3

How To Flirt - Learn How To Talk To Girls

If you talk to the average frustrated chump, he will complain about why he's not successful and make all sorts of excuses. Unfortunately, no one can help this person. Fortunately, there are millions of people who actually ask questions regularly, and these people know what they want to have answered. Here's a few common question that guys ask.

How do I talk to girls?

The answer to his is simple, open your mouth and produce meaningful sound. Of course, if you don't want the smart remark, you'll want to be more specific about your question. If you want to talk to a girl like a friend, you need to learn to talk to her like a friend. Most people already know how to do this, because guys know how to talk to someone as a friend. On the other hand, if you want to talk to a girl in a way that makes her feel attracted to you, that's another, and can be answered in the next question.

How do I flirt with girls?

Now we are talking. Flirting generally involves teasing and seems counter intuitive to people who don't understand. You get a girl to like you by teasing her, as if you would have done to a friends younger sister when you yourself were younger. Be completely ridiculous and put words in her mouth that you both know she wasnt trying to say. Go into an overly serious act, like you're her father and remind her to "grow up" whenever she acts even remotely childish. If she doesn't understand something, or doesn't here you, you should say things like "you'll find out about what I mean when you get older". If she gets nervous and mutters, say "well that's easy for you to say", or "You know, I think you're just about old enough to speak in grown up language.".

If you say something wrong and realize it, you make fun of her for not noticing and not correcting you, like she was the one that screwed up. If she teases you back and says that she wasn't the one that had troubles saying it, tell her you were just testing her and that she failed big time. If she does the same later, tell her you noticed, but didn't want to embarrass her, or that you didn't bother because you didn't think she would ever learn the right thing to say. Specifically, tease her for her strengths.

If she just got her P.H.D. or gets straight A's, pounce on any opportunity to say something like "Even I knew that, it doesn't take a PHD to figure it out, you would think you would have learned that by now" If she says something about how she has the P.H.D. say, "I guess that's why you needed an extra 4 years to finish school." If she seems proud of her achievement say "You know, I remember when people used to tell the other people they had to go to school for an extra year they were academically challenged. Then we grew up and were told to respect people's feelings. So if it makes you feel good about yourself, you're an academic genius, but deep down inside, we both know you're learning challenged... I guess you just dont think as quick as the rest of us."

If this same girl says, well I skipped a grade in high school, say "oh, so you're a trouble maker, didn't your mom tell you not to skip class?" What did they decide to punish you for missing a year of class by giving you 4 more years of school to make up for it? And you had to pay for it too? Harsh... I guess that means you must really like punishment."

Of course if a girl tells you she moved up a grade early on, do the opposite "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but when you grow up, you'll actually find that the people that take longer to graduate school are actually smarter, they even give them prestigious degrees for being so thorough. They just don't want to tell you that you're finishing faster to make you fell good about yourself".

This is how you flirt. This might sound mean to some, and some may confuse this technique with actually being mean. The trick is, to come off sounding extremely mean, but in reality say something that you both know is not true. It's ironic and unexpected, and is the exact opposite of what she is used to hearing. The trick is not as much what you say, but how you say it. Be slow and deliberate when you speak. Make sure to pause at times and keep the woman anticipating what you are going to say next. Or give out a Napoleon Dynamite sounding exhale as you tell her she doesn't know what she's talking about when she just proved you wrong about something.

The biggest thing is to be able to understand non verbal communication or better known as body language. If you talk with someone who isn't in a playful mood, you have failed before you even started. You can learn a lot about body language in any number of Joe Navarro's books. Joe Navarro is a former FBI interrogator and he has studied the science behind every micro movement, and more obvious movement people make, and why those movements generally only occur when someone is feeling a certain way. There is a great TV show on Wednesday nights on Fox called "Lie To Me" which is a show about an independent contracting firm that is paid to read body language and get the truth out of people. You will often times learn a lot from these resources, and probably have a very good chance at understanding everyone a lot better.

Once you understand body language, you are going to need to approach the women that look like they're in a good mood. If you can touch a woman's shoulder and ask her something real quick while she's laughing, she will instantly associate you with the good feelings she gets from laughing. Or if you're engaged in a conversation and they laugh, you can lean in and say something else in their ear and nudge them a little bit for a similar effect.

Most communication is not what you say, but what your body does when you say it, and the voice tones you use. Practice talking with a smooth deep clear voice. record yourself and how you sound. Practice movements in front of a mirror.

How To Get A Girl To Like You

How to get a girl to like you - attract women and pick up girls
If you've ever been attracted to a female, you've probably found yourself wondering how to get a girl to like you.
You are not alone, there are millions of guys like you every year wondering the same thing.
Many times it's human nature to try to do everything you can to get a woman to find you attractive, and get the girl of your dreams to like you.
Unfortunately, a lot of times guys take it too far. Girls need to be able to notice you, but many times they also like a challenge. Humans want what they can't have.
If you try to take away candy from a baby, you'll notice very quickly the natural human reaction.
So you have to show some interest, but at the same time appear to not really care what they think of you.

If you want to learn how to get a girl to like you, you are going to have to understand what they want. It's easy to just ask them, the problem is,
often times girls convince themselves that they want a "nice boy" when in reality they want someone that shows he's in charge and can not only defend himself from any potential threats,
but also will be willing to defend his woman.

The trick is to go out of your way to talk to a girl, but then tease her and make fun of her, like you're not interested.
Then later to tell her she's a good friend and do just the opposite.

Here's a quote from a friend of mine who is very good at picking up women.

If you send mix signals, and are difficult to figure out, a girl will generally think about you more, and ask themselves the question you always want them asking
"does he like me?"
Getting a girl to ask that question is actually the easiest way to get a girl to like you. How?

Once a girl asks that, she will inevitably ask herself a series of questions which results her in convincing herself that she likes you.
It will usually start out with things like "does he like me? I can't tell, is he flirting, is he playing hard to get, does he hate me? no, maybe he just sees me as a friend? Why doesn't he see me as more than a friend?
wait, why do I care if he likes me, what makes him such a big deal? why am I thinking about him right now... do I like him? Maybe I do...
I think I like him. I really do like him, wow, that's it, that's why I'm thinking about him, I like him." At this point from all the curiosity and wonder, a girl will not be able to help but fall for you.
Of course, it doesn't always work.
If a girl has beliefs that short people are incompatible with her, and you are short, you will have to find someone else. You can never expect to get any and every girl you want to like you. However, if you practice skills,learn to be smooth, confident, calm, funny, playful, and various other desirable qualities, you will soon find that girls tend to feel attracted to you.
That my friends, is how to get a girl to like you.

related posts
how to get a girlfriend part 3
mind of mystery

Monday, May 25, 2009

Online Dating Resources

Many people upon reading the advice will decide that's too much work for them. The fact is, if you are comfortable with doing so, that perhaps the easiest way to find a girlfriend is to simply go somewhere where women are looking for men. No, it's not the bars, the library, hooters, or chip N Dales, it's available at the comfort of your own home. The one draw back is you don't develop the skills of approaching women, but if you are shy, you may try chatting on websites first, finding someone, talking via phone, sending email, and then when you are comfortable try meeting up. There's something for everyone, here's a variety of sites for you to consider

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Erik Von Markovik

Erik Von Markovik image
Pick Up Artist Erik Von Markovic Shows Insight Of Mind Of Mystery Method.

Erik Von Markovik is more commonly known as Mystery, the Pick-Up Artist and dating guru.
Erik has his own show on VH-1. Mystery has been found using techniques that can be named a number of things, but the techniques he uses is most commonly referred to as Venusian Arts.

Erik Von Markovik has products such as mind of mystery, and mystery method. Mr. Markovik can be found teaching aspiring pick up artists how to meet, attract, date, and seduce women.

Eric Von Markovik is known as a ladies man, but he was actually just an "AFC" an average frustrated chump, as referred to by the dating forums, and Neil Strauss The Game. Many people are inspired by his rise to fame. If not for getting involved in the underground society of male pickup artists he would not be who he is today.

Erik Von Markovik founded the Mystery Method Corperation, which is now known as Love Systems. You may have heard of Erik's Venusian Art's Handbook which coaches men on the techniques he uses to seduce women, and get a girlfriend. Erik Von Markovik is currently working on various business ventures in the how to get a girl dating community.

Disclaimer: Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method is not associated with Eric Von Markovik and is not currently affiliated with him or any of his products.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mind Of Mystery

Underneath the Mind of Mystery is a Method unlike any other.
Learn the secrets of the Venusian arts and you will see what makes this method so powerful.

If you are going to want to establish a rapport, and get people to do exactly what you want as a PUA, then you need the mystery method. But this isn't as much of a plug for it as it is an explanation of what the mystery method is all about.
Soon you will learn as you step inside the mind of Mystery.

You can learn all sorts of psychological tips about magic and survival tactics and how the mind works. You can use that for seduction

This blog about Mind of mystery is not endorsed by erik von markovik.