It's much more and involves the more complicated method of getting and maintaining a relationship. You have to demonstrate that you have good traits. Biologically you need to showcase that you can be a good friend and partner to be with, but more importantly a good fatherly figure and a good protector and defender. You have to be unpredictable, without being overly challenging. You have to get involved in the relationship more gradually and many other things that you will learn on this blog
The mind of mystery is interesting, but there is more about the methods so you can get behind the mystery mind at google books.
or copy and paste the address
That is a preview. Ultimately the guide requires that you understand that women have "mind's of their own mystery" so to speak. But it's really not that mysterious. The trick is, you have to understand how the mind works. Compulsive behaviour is rooted in unpredictability of an outcome. A study was dodone involving rats. The rats were shocked, and then giveen cheese. There were different groups of mice/rats. Thiss experiment showed that one group was shocked repeatedly and just stopped trying fter a couple. the 2nd group was shocked only after being given food once, theat group tried again a few times but realized that something had changed and ultimately gave up. the next group was given nothing but cheese and ultimately got borede and only would go back when hungry. the final group would attempt to seek the reward and be given a random outcome. this group continued and continued until they got shocked to death. Curiousity gets the best of us all as it turns out curiousity did not kill the feline (cat), but instead the rodent (mouse).
So this is why people fall forabusive people, why people become compulsive gamblers, and why women can't get enough of aaa guy who occasionally gives her the slightest insult.
Now if you continue to "shock" the woman too much, she will decide "somethingf's changed" and leave, so actually you should eventually progress to using less and less of this "shock" method, yet occasionally go back to it. You will stay unpredictable that way.
But whether it's David Deangelo or Erik Von Markovik, they all work the same way.
bring down the ego, then do something to do the opposite. show that you are interested, then do the opposite.
Whether it's cocky comedy and "backhanded compliments" or "negs" and displaying "higher status" the idea is the same...
So this method is very mysterious, but that is a post that should help you understand the Mind Of Mystery Mystery Method.